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A Men’s Guide to Starting the Baby Project: Ovaterra’s Top 3 Male Fertility Tips


When you feel ready to start trying for a baby with your partner, you may feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. How do you make sure your reproductive health is in the best shape it can be? What are the common, avoidable roadblocks? How do you keep the baby project from overtaking all aspects of your shared life? Because men tend to keep this aspect of their lives to themselves more than women, it can be hard to get real-life, high-impact advice from others who have gone through the same process. Take a look below at our science-driven guide for men who are starting – or planning to start – trying for a baby. Also, check out the Resource Library for actionable reproductive health information for women.


1. Get into healthy habits. Keep up the good ones you already have.

The basis of reproductive health is systemic health. That’s why modifiable lifestyle factors have a significant impact on the health of your sperm. Prioritize these 5 steps for your fertility – but skip to step 2 if you already lead a pretty healthy lifestyle. 



2. Start protecting sperm health early – 3 months early.

Contrary to popular belief, sperm isn’t produced in a day. Men produce sperm every day, yes, but that sperm has spent anywhere from 74 to 120 days, developing to full maturity in a process called spermatogenesis. These 3- to 4-month period is crucial for the health of your sperm. Think of it as a window of opportunity.


3. Communicate and don’t let the journey take over your entire relationship.

If it feels to you like these to-do items will overtake your entire life, that feeling probably has a grain of truth. Because reproductive health has a basis in your – and your partner’s – overall health, everything you do in life can feel like it’s connected to your baby project. It can feel pervasive, and it can take a toll on your relationship.

When it starts feeling like an all-encompassing, never-ending rollercoaster, take the time to communicate with your partner. It’s also important to keep the normal, shared rituals of your relationship going strong – if you were into watching Netflix together or going for morning walks together, keep those up. These rituals can strengthen your relationship during what can be a stressful period, and give you both a space to enjoy each other purely for who you are. Our webinar on coping with the stress of this journey, with clinical psychologist Mandy Rodrigues, can help.

Some couples get pregnant just a few months after they start trying. For many, it can take a while, even when there is no fertility issue on either side. Start the pregnancy project with the mindset that it can take some time will help both of you face the ups and downs of the journey with some calm and equanimity – and you can be pleasantly surprised if it happens more quickly than you’d anticipated.



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